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About Tell Me Without Telling Me, also known as #TheTellMeChallenge, is a social game in which social media users ask others to share personal opinions and beliefs without using direct mentions of the subject Origin On May 28th, 19, Twitter user @myjinseuphoria tweeted, "If you see this, you are obligated to tell me your bias without telling me their names" And yet, AC's producers seem utterly apathetic to the idea of a game set in Japan Yeah, I get that they thought it'd be "too obvious" but it's been long enough now that they should really do it Or any Asian country, really, outside of the comics and the Chronicles games Anonymous Tue Aug 10 21 No Quoted by >> >> >> The funny part is it's like 25% comedy 50% chuuni magic mecha fights 15% rape and 10% philosophy, it's just that the philosophy is the part everyone focuses on to try to argue that it's the most incredibly deep and meaningful work of all time, which

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